Family Mediation Voucher scheme

The scheme was set up in 2021.  The Government at that time wanted to:

  • reduce backlogs in the family court and
  • encourage more people to consider mediation as a means of resolving their disputes.

The voucher is worth £500 and can be used once only.  The voucher can be used towards meeting the cost of child mediation sessions.  It does not cover the initial meeting known as the Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM).

The voucher is usually shared between the parties so they would each benefit from £250.  At Bespoke Mediation Service, the cost per session is £125 per person.  Hence, the voucher allows each party to have two free child mediation sessions.  On average, it takes one to two sessions to resolve child issues in mediation so child mediation sessions could be free.

Only accredited mediators can claim vouchers on behalf of separating parties.  We are pleased to say Bespoke Mediation Service participates in the scheme.

Since the introduction of the voucher scheme, over 24,000 families have benefitted.  It is sincerely hoped that the voucher scheme will be a permanent feature so that separating families can seek an early and cost effective solution via mediation.

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